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The real estate market is always changing. I'm here to make sense of it all. Come here to view the latest on market trends and other real estate news!
Indecision Can Be Expensive

With all that is going on in the world, a global pandemic, supply chain issues, highest inflation in 40 years,…

Good Records Can Reduce Capital Gains

Regardless of whether you’re entitled to $250,000 or $500,000 of exclusion when you sell your home, prices have gone up…

Moving Down in an Up Market

Selling and buying a lower priced home in an “Up” market can be to your advantage.  The advantage is to maximize…

11 Aug: Reverse Mortgage

With all of the encouragement from celebrity spokespersons like Fred Thompson, Robert Wagner and Henry Winkler, there is a growing…

21 Jul: Indecision Costs

More money has been lost to indecision than was ever lost to making the wrong decision.  The economy and the…

08 Jul: Fifteen Will Get You Three

Freddie Mac chief economist, Frank Nothaft, says that affordability, stability and flexibility are the three reasons homebuyers overwhelmingly choose a…